Meet the Board

Dr. Victor Rubin, Chair

Dr. Rubin, Vice President of Research at PolicyLink, leads knowledge-building, evaluation, and qualitative and quantitative analysis activities to build a strong research base for PolicyLink. Recently, he has been particularly deeply involved in analyses of equity issues in infrastructure, and in strategies to address health disparities through improvements to the built environment. Rubin previously directed the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of University Partnerships, and served as a director of the University-Oakland Metropolitan Forum, a partnership based at the University of California, Berkeley, where he was also an adjunct associate professor of city and regional planning. Rubin holds a BA in public affairs from the University of Chicago, and an MCP and PhD in city and regional planning from UC Berkeley.

George H. Pressley

George Pressley has over 35 years experience as a senior human resource professional with global compensation design and management experience with significant experience in the management of benefits, HRIS, labor relations, and employee relations programs.

George’s non-profit experience includes volunteer and mentor with The Mentoring Center; volunteer interviewer for the University of California, Berkeley’s Incentive Awards Program, a scholarship program for high-achieving students from limited socio-economic backgrounds; Martin Luther King, Jr. Center – Atlanta, GA – organizational analyses and development of salary structure and ranges; and the Congressional Black Caucus – Washington, D.C. – organizational analyses. Mr. Pressley is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley with a B.S. in Business Administration and received certificates from San Jose State University Professional Development Center – Oracle 8 DBA; and the University of California, Berkeley – Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing.

Michon Coleman

Jèan Eason

Nikki Jones

Chaka Lockhart

Rick Lucas

Monica Sudduth

Vincent Wilson