Current Events
November 7, 2019
11:00am – 1:00pm
Click the link below for more information!
Past Events
December 5, 2018
11:30am – 1:30pm
Click the link below for more information!
Click the link below for the poster for more information!
The Mentoring Center joins East Bay Gives on May 4, 2017 in 24 hours of giving.
You can give to our general fund or to one of our special campaigns. No amount is too small.
Check us out at
And, May the 4th be with you!

Thursday, February 26, 2015
11:30am – 1:30pm
The Mentoring Center is hosting an Open House to showcase the Transformative Mentoring™ work we do with youth, young adults and their families. This event is designed for our funders and partners at Alameda County Probation, Public Health, Social Services, Superior Court, and the Oakland Unified School District. We invite you to come break bread and hear about our programs and national training services.
This event is free and a light lunch will be served.
cordially invites you to an evening of
Spoken Word, Jazz & Poetry
Friday, November 5, 2014
5:00pm – 7:00pm
LindaKay & Friends
Spoken Word Artists
Jevon Cochran
Jazz Hudson
The Washington Inn
495 10th Street
Oakland, CA 96705
Proceeds to Benefit
The Mentoring Center Youth Programs
Building the Capacity to Mentor Youth
October 22, 23, and 24, 2014
9:00am – 5:00pm
Nile Hall in Preservation Park
668 13th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
The Mentoring Center is offering a three-day Transformative Mentoring™ training, that will build the capacity of individual mentors, service providers, educators, social workers, probation officers, faith-based leaders and others, to mentor youth.
The first two days will focus on understanding youth populations and identifying strategies to strengthen Transformative Mentoring™ practices.
Topics will include:
Transformative Mentoring™
The Impact of Culture on Mentoring
Best Practices for Mentoring Girls and Boys (Gender Specific Mentoring)
Trauma-Responsive Services
Intergenerational Mentoring
Restorative Justice Practices
Mentoring in School-based Settings
Mentoring in Juvenile Justice Institutions
The third day will focus on mentoring boys and men of color and will include best practices in mentoring African American, Latino and Native American boys and young men.
View the Itinerary (PDF)
Who Should Attend:
Individual Mentors
Service Providers
Social Workers
Probation Officers
Faith-based leaders
and others
Two-day Intensive Transformative Mentoring™ and Specialized Professional Development Institute
July 23 – 24, 2014
The Mentoring Center
672 13th Street, Ste. 200
Oakland, CA 94612
The Mentoring Center’s Summer Institute is designed to develop competency and enhance professional development in seven key mentoring and service delivery areas. All workshops will include state of the art audio/visuals, interactive exercises and skill building role play sessions.
The Mentoring Center’s Summer Institute includes:
Transformative Mentoring™
Achieving Emotional Balance in Mentoring
Trauma-Responsive Services
Transformative Classroom Management/Control
Transformative Mentoring™ in Higher Education
Gender Specific Mentoring
Culturally Specific Mentoring
Since 1991, The Mentoring Center (TMC) has dedicated time and resources to the development of “Best Mentoring Practices” . Because many TMC participants face critical challenges daily, The Mentoring Center developed its trademarked Transformative Mentoring™.
The Emotional Balance and Trauma Responsive Services will give workshop participants unique and powerful tools for working with individuals with deep emotional experiences and barriers.
The Mentoring Center (TMC) and it’s affiliates are excited about the opportunity to share strategies for the Transformative Mentoring in Higher Education, Transformative Classroom Management, Gender Specific Mentoring and the Cultural Dynamics of Mentoring.
Experienced Trainers
Trainers possess an extremely high level of expertise in their training area. Each trainer has at least 10 years of active experience in the field.